The Forest Engineering Network


43th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanisation: "Forest Engineering: Meeting the Needs of the Society and the Environment", July 11 – 14, 2010 in Padova, Italy.



Author(s) Title Download
Aust C., Fishbach J., Brodbeck F. Short rotation plantations in south-west Germany. Assessment of their economical and ecological potential
Derczeni R., Iordache E. Energetic use of the wood - A sustainable solution for the wood capitalization on crisis time
Eliasson L., Spinelli R., Picchi G. A model for the optimization of forest biomass extraction --
Fischbach J. Sustainability analysis in short rotation coppice – integrating life cycle thinking in the supply chain management of wood energy chips --
Gallagher T., Meadows S., Mitchell D. Optimizing the use of a John Deere bundling unit in a southern U.S. logging system
Gravalos I., Kateris D., Xyradakis P., Gialamas T., Loutridis S., Augousti A., Georgiades A., Tsiropoulos Z. A study on calorific energy values of biomass residue pellets for heating purposes
Handler F., Blumauer E. Logistics for harvesting short rotation forestry with a special equipped forage harvester
Heinrich B., Seeling U. Harvesting and chipping systems for energy wood
Horvat D., Pandur Z., Šušnjar M. Environmental evaluation of wood residual utilization
Jiroušek R, Klvac R., Liška S., Skoupý A. Productivity and cost of wood crusher Peterson 2400-a
Lindholm E., Berg S., Hansson P. Energy yield and the related environmental impact of harvesting forest energy
Liska S., Safarik D., Klvac R., Kupcak V., Jirousek R. General assessment of Jenz Hem 420 d chipper operating in the Czech republic conditions
Lombardini C., Picchi G. Performance of industrial firewood processors
Manzone M., Balsari P. Evaluation of different wood chips storage techniques
Nati C., Spinelli R. How blade wear of chippers can affect fuel consumption and wood chip size distribution
Opferkuch M., Schnaible F., Krowas I., Becker G. Raw material requirements of the wood fuels manufacturing industry
Suchomel C., Spinelli R., Magnagotti N. Processing hardwood from coppiced forests
Verani S., Sperandio G., Picchio R. First thinning in a coniferous plantation for biomass production: productivity and costs
Visser R., Spinelli R., Magagnotti M. Four landing biomass recovery case studies in New Zealand clear-cut pine plantations


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Cavalli R., Grigolato S., Pellegrini M. Strategies for reclamation of areas covered by dwarf pine
Cavalli R., Grigolato S., Pellegrini M. Analysis of firewood production by discrete-event simulation
Fischbach J., Becker G. Sustainability impact assessment in the forestry-wood-chain-impact of road transport compared to rail transport of wood in Baden-Württemberg
Fischbach J., Berg S., Becker G. Logging processes in the European forestry wood chain - efforts, gains and costs for sustainability
Gerasimov Y., Sokolov A. Decision-Support System for wood harvesting planning in Russia
Hosseini S. M. Forest operations management and timber products in the Hyrcanian forests of Iran
Kühmaier M. Development of a multi-criteria spatial evaluation model for decision support in timber harvesting planning
Macku J., Dvorák J. Time expenditure analysis of cut-to-length harvesters in incidental fellings compared with production efficiency
Moskalik T., Sokulski R. Timber harvesting techniques in shelterwood system
Murat D., Ebru B. Assessment of timber harvesting mechanization level in Turkey
Palander T., Vainikka M., Yletyinen A. Solving the question of whether to outsource or not to outsource roundwood transportation function based on the transaction cost theory
Smaltschinski T., Opferkuch M., Becker G. Assessment of grades and quality of wood in forest stands via airborne laser scanning
Holzleitner F., Stampfer K., Ghaffariyan M.R., Visser R. Economic benefits of long term forestry machine data capture: Austrian federal forest case study
Szewczyk G.,Wojtala L. The cost of timber harvesting with a harvester in stands under rebuilding with the use of partial cutting
Visser R., Spinelli R., Stampfer K. Landing size and landing layout in whole-tree harvesting operations in New Zealand
Westlund K., Furness-Lindén A. Scrutinizing the wood supply chain–reporting from work in progress
Wolferstetter T. Discrete event simulation of wood harvesting processes
Yoshimura T., Hartsough B. Simulation-based validation of new conceptual harvesting cable harvesting systems


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Kaul C. Auto-ID in the timber supply chain identifying single logs using RFID tags
Lindroos O., Ringdahl O., Athanassiasdis D., Bergstrom D. Hellstrom T. Nordfjell T. Path tracking for autonomous forwarders in forest terrain
Amishev D., Dowding B., Murphy G. Challenges from incorporating acoustic technology on mechanical harvesters/processors for real-timewood stiffness assessment
Carter P., Amishev D. Acoustic technology for forestry applications - latest practical developments
Dietz U., Urbanke B., Seeling U., Geiger F. Precision of harvester measurement systems
Ishigure Y. Kachi H., Mori Y., Kawasaki H. Pruning machine with a mechanism for preventing branch bite
Mederski P.S., Bembenek M., Erler J., Giefing D.F., Karaszewski Z. The enhancement of skidding productivity resulting from changes in construction: grapple skidder vs rope skidder
Nemestóthy N. Synthetic fiber ropes for forestry use - Criteria for the replacement of fibre ropes
Nevrkla P., Klvac R. Stratos rope examination in the Czech Republic conditions
Yamada T., Endo T. Measurement of forest microtopography - An approach for optimization of undercarriage of forest vehicles utilizing microtopography


Author(s) Title Download
Acar H.H., Eroglu H., Özkaya M.S. An investigation on roundwood extraction and determination of the physical damages on residual trees and seedlings due to logging operation using Urus MIII forest skyline on snow
Evanson T., Amishev D. Productivity impacts of bunching for yarder extraction
Forbrig A., Hofmann R., Seeling U. Soil protection during wood harvesting procedures
Kuramoto S., Sasaki S., Abe S., Ishibashi S. Post-harvest damage and subsequent survival following selection harvesting of small understory trees in a mixed conifer–hardwood forest in Hokkaido Island, Northern Japan
Neruda J., Kadlec J., Ulrich R., Cudzik A. Soil carbon dioxide concentration and efflux changes in ruts after heavy machine passes
Purfürst T., Erler J. Measurement of dynamic pressure under forest tires
Sirén M., Surakka H. Sapling damage in mechanized selection cuttings
Stanczykiewicz A. Damage to trees and regeneration layer resulting from timber harvesting with the use of equipment aggregated with farm tractors in thinned mountain stands
Tsioras P. A., Liamas D. K. Hauling damages in a mixed beech oak stand
Uusitalo J., Niemistö L., Kataja J. Assessing the effect of harvesting method on soil disturbances with a spatial harvesting simulator


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Cacot E., Emeyriat R., Bouvet A., Helou T.E. Tools and analysis of key success factors for mechanized forest contractors specializing in mechanized harvesting, in the Aquitaine region
Dög M., Erler J. Public relations in forest technology: the interest of the forest visitor
Dvorák J. Analysis of the harvester operator’s working day
Fabiano F., Magagnotti N., Neri F., Piegai F., Spinelli R. Safety in mechanised forest operations: a Tuscan project
Grzywinski W., Wandycz A., Tomczak A., Jelonek T., Szaban J., Jakubowski M. Occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders in woodcutters
Landekic M., Šporcic M., Martinic I., Lovric M. Effort-reward imbalance of the forestry experts in Croatia
Lewark S. Ideas for new international e-learning courses in forest operations and work science
Melemez K., Tunay M. An ergonomic evaluation on whole-body vibration of loading tractors in Turkey forestry
Parker R., Moore D., Ashby L., Baillie B., Vitalis A., Amishev D. Wearable video to record tree felling work methods
Pausch R. A method for the use of experts experience in quality management
Zöscher J. Education and work safety in forestry – Situation in Austria


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Bârliba L. L., Bârliba C., Eles G., Chiscop N. Implementing the forest cadastre by applying the property law in order to register a forest plot
Bârliba L. L., Bârliba C., Eles G., Chiscop N. Forest topographic features use for silvic works by using the actual measuring technologies for data processing
Drosos V. C. Reliability control of digital images that are used in forest inventory and management in Greece


Author(s) Title Download
Amishev D., Evanson T. Innovative methods for steep terrain harvesting
Brokmeier H., Hittenbeck J. CTIS for logging trucks in Germany
Dinev D., Trichkov L. Logging and realization of wood harvested in plantations of introduced forest tree species in Eastern Bulgaria
Gumus S., Turk Y. The use of excavators in clearing of Rhododendron spp.
Hittenbeck J. Inclination limits for high mechanized harvesting
Krc J. Assessment of mechanized cutting operations in the Slovenian state forests
Manzone M., Balsari P. Assessing the performance of a cable crane using single cable
Sowa J. M., Szewczyk G. Time consumption of skidding in mature stands performed by means of winches aggregated with farm tractor
Spinelli R., Magagnotti N., Picchi G. A comprehensive survey of harvesters and processors in Italy: what, where, how
Spinelli R., Magagnotti N., Nati C. Comparison between mechanized and manual log-making in Italian poplar plantations
Turk Y., Gumus S. Log skidding with farm tractors
Zimbalatti G., Proto A.R. Productivity of forwarders in South Italy
Zimbalatti G., Proto A.R. Timber extraction with a cable crane in South Italy


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Aricak B., Enez K., Acar H.H. Defining the slope stability areas of forest roads by GIS
Çoban H. O., Eker M. Analysis of forest road network conditions before and after forest fire
Drosos V. C., Giannoulas V. J., Liampas A.-S. G., Tampekis S. Environmental opening up plan due to modern techniques
Drosos V. C., Kantartzis A., Farmakis D. E. Charting and evaluation of an existing forest road network’s impact using digital terrain models and GIS
Firouzan A.H., Samadi A., Maskani H.R., Hashemi, A. Forest road network planning according to environmental criteria in series 4 relating to Tyrumrud forestry project
Marchi E., Montorselli N.B., Neri F. The role of forest road network in forest fire prevention and suppression : a case study in Italy
Murat D. Assessment of forest road network planning and construction progress in Turkey
Potocnik I., Poje A. Azimuth of forest road fill and cut slopes and its impact on their natural regeneration


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Blija T. Forest soil preparation facilities and reforestation of risk assessment