We are on the news in Finland!
A short summary about the FORMEC 2018 appeared in Finnish. A PDF version of the article can be downloaded her: Ammattilehti_26.pdf
The 51st Edition of the annual International Symposium on Forest Mechanisation FORMEC 2018 has been held at the Forestry Faculty E.T.S.I. Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural belonging to the Technical University of Madrid (U.P.M.) in September. The motto of this edition included originally the wildfires topic: “Improved Forest Mechanisation: Mobilizing natural resources and preventing wildfires”, a relevant issue in Mediterranean Countries.
FORMEC 2018 is starting soon
51 International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization, 25-27 September 2018, Madrid (Spain)
Organizing Committee Eduardo Tolosana, Rubén Laina, Yolanda Ambrosio, Víctor González, Santiago Vignote
belongs to ETSI Montes, Forestales y del Medio Natural, UPM
Contact info:
Scientific Committe: Dr. Mauricio Acuña, Prof. Dr. Raffaele Cavalli, Prof. Dr. Hans Heinimann, Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Moskalik, Dr. Ivica Papa, Prof. Dr. Tibor Pentek, Prof. Dr. Eduardo Tolosana, Prof. Dr. Rienn Visser
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