The Forest Engineering Network


The 51st Edition of the annual International Symposium on Forest Mechanisation FORMEC 2018 has been held at the Forestry Faculty E.T.S.I. Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural belonging to the Technical University of Madrid (U.P.M.) in September. The motto of this edition included originally the wildfires topic: “Improved Forest Mechanisation: Mobilizing natural resources and preventing wildfires”, a relevant issue in Mediterranean Countries.



The organizing Committee was headed by Prof. Eduardo Tolosana and Rubén Laina, and several other professors and students from the Forestry faculty contributed to the Symposium Organization: 149 attendants have come to Madrid from 24 Countriesand have participated in 4 parallel thematic sessions.

Besides the 7 invited presentations from keynote speakers, 87 oral contributions were presented and 19 posters were selected.  10 presentation were linked to wildfires, Australia, USA, Italy and Spain were the targered countries.


Distribution of topics

Four contributions were awarded, two with the ECOSTAR-GREENNOVA Awards to the best posters, voted by the attendants, and two oral contributions with the CESEFOR Award to the best oral contribution and other with the CENTRAL FORESTAL – GESTAMP BIOMASS Award to the second best oral presentation.